Watch X`Men: Apocalypse (2016) Free Average ratng: 3,5/5 2052reviews

X- Men: Apocalypse (Film) - TV Tropes. Mac. Guffin Super Person: Apocalypse desires Professor X's Telepathy for his own because it's . For all my gifts, I have yet to possess the one I needed most. To be everywhere. Watch Grandma (2015) Hd. To be everyone. Machiavelli Was Wrong: The story's core message is that ruling through love (as represented by Professor X) is more effective than ruling through fear (as personified by Apocalypse) because the former inspires loyalty while the latter encourages betrayal. The X- Men win the Final Battle because they're united, unlike Apocalypse, who has no one on his side in the end.

This even forms the basis of Charles's Badass Boast when Apocalypse is about to . Apocalypse: And why is that? Xavier: Because you're alone, and I am NOT!

Watch X`Men: Apocalypse (2016) Free

Male Gaze: The way the camera moves when we first see Mystique in her cleavage- exposing dress evokes this. Surprisingly averted with Psylocke who, despite wearing the most Stripperiffic costume in the film, doesn't get that much attention drawn to her assets. Man Child: At the age of 2. Quicksilver still isn't an independent adult because he continues to reside in his mother's basement, although his living space is a lot less cluttered than it was in Days of Future Past, which implies that his kleptomania has toned down in the past decade. He cracks a joke about his mother wanting him to get out of the house, and Peter acknowledges his Basement- Dweller status during the jet ride to Cairo.

XMovies8 Video - Free HD movies online without download on & Signup movies tv shows for FREE - Watch movies online, free movies, free movies online. With mutants Apocalypse and Magneto intent on mankind's destruction, Professor X and his team of young X-Men must battle for the future of humanity. Watch trailers.

Watch X`Men: Apocalypse (2016) Free

X-Men: Apocalypse is the 2016 sequel/prequel to X-Men: Days of Future Past and the ninth installment in Fox's X-Men Film Series, directed by Bryan Singer.

Man Hug: Alex and Charles haven't seen each other in two decades, and their greeting is a handshake which promptly turns into a warm embrace. This gesture is noticeably more intimate than the straightforward handshake shared between Havok and Hank (a former classmate). It hints that Alex feels a greater degree of fondness and esteem for Professor X, whom he had once looked up to as a father figure and who had played a pivotal role in his life when Alex was a teenager. Manly Tears: Erik openly sobs when he cradles his wife's and daughter's lifeless bodies. Professor X sheds a tear while he's using Cerebro to communicate with Magneto because he's able to feel the latter's grief over the deaths of Magda and Nina. Scott weeps when he learns that his brother Alex is dead. Marquee Alter Ego: Mystique appears more often in her Raven- as- Charles's- sister form than her natural blue, scaly self.

Jennifer Lawrence is the most well- known cast member, so the filmmakers wanted the actress's face to be more visible, not to mention that Lawrence has a strong aversion towards the long make- up process. She even appears as Jennifer Lawrence on the poster, while two previous movies featured her blue form instead. It's discussed and justified in that the Washington, D. C. Both are mutant activists, but they use different methods when saving the world one mutant life at a time—the sister is more .

Professor Xavier, on the other hand, is a sweet Non- Action Guy who remains at his home/school and coaches his mutant students on how to master their inherently hazardous abilities so that they're no longer a threat to themselves or to others, while at the same time nurturing them as individuals. In the final scene, Raven assumes a stern, no- nonsense approach when training the X- Men for combat, whereas Charles will continue to educate their minds and provide emotional support. Mass Hypnosis: Apocalypse's ultimate goal is to absorb Charles's powers into his own and use the enhanced psychic abilities to control every single person on the planet.

Mass . Numerous citizens who are in the vicinity of nuclear launch sites are freaked out when all the missiles shoot upwards. Something goes terribly wrong while Xavier is linked to Cerebro because he is screaming in agony and cannot sever the connection. Raven, Hank and Moira are unable to help him, so in desperation, Alex is forced to use his power to disable the supercomputer. They are later shocked when Magneto snatches the unconscious Charles, wheelchair and all, flanked by Apocalypse and the other Horsemen. A worldwide oh crap once Apocalypse relays a message of destruction to the entire world through Charles. Meaningful Look: Alex, who is mortified by his ex- mentor's prolonged ogling of Moira, calls out to the Professor and silently conveys with his eyes, . It's no accident that Jubilee's given name is Jubilation because she carries a sunny disposition.

Warren's code name Angel refers to his angelic looks, which include his large, white wings and blond curls. He later becomes Apocalypse's . He's more of a Christ figure. He chooses to be a teacher. He could go inside Cerebro and rule the world, but he chooses not to.

He chooses to teach and preach and hope that people follow his message: peace and unity. And I've gotten to see him as a drug addict and a loser, and in this movie, you're going to get to see him prosperous and almost blindly optimistic, and how he changes. When Scott asks Jean, . Because this trope is an analogy for sexual assault, Xavier is a survivor of a brutal and violent figurative rape. Moment Killer: Nightcrawler, twice — first for Mystique's and Beast's reunion, second for interrupting an emotionally intimate moment between Charles and Moira. Monochromatic Eyes: Apocalypse's and Storm's eyes turn white when they actively use their mutant abilities.

Monumental Damage: The Sydney Opera House, the Auschwitz concentration camp (a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site), and a section of the Manhattan Bridge are obliterated in spectacular fashion. Mood Whiplash: A dramatic scene where Apocalypse gets into Charles's mind through Cerebro, which Alex then destroys in order to stop it, followed by Apocalypse and his horsemen arriving at the mansion and taking Charles away whilst Alex tries to save him, causing an explosion, is then followed a funny scene where Peter uses his powers to run in and save everyone whilst listening to . Which then becomes sad when it turns out he didn't save Alex in time.

Mook Horror Show: Wolverine's run through Stryker's goons in lake Alkali. They grow more and more terrified as he continues to butcher his way through them. Moonwalk Dance: Quicksilver made a brief one during the great rescue. Why does he do this? Because he has time to do so. More Than Mind Control: Apocalypse has superhuman persuasion abilities that he uses on the Horsemen, according to Bryan Singer.

It's interesting, what's a little bit, hopefully, complex in the movie, or even ambiguous, is how much he's persuading his followers with a superhuman ability or just he's like any cult leader who is really good at convincing people to follow him, so we don't really ever make that explicit. It's not like he's putting people under a spell, but he is superhumanly persuasive. Ditto for Storm, whose Horseman armour is mostly black with a few silver highlights. Later averted with the second set of uniforms. Averted with Magneto, Archangel and Psylocke, who wear red, silver/grey and purple respectively; the latter's outfit in particular is quite similar to the comics.

Interestingly, Psylocke's costume was going to be black, but Olivia Munn had requested that it be purple so that it would be faithful to the comics. Mr. Fanservice: Oscar Isaac is covered only in a loincloth when he's lying on a slab during an Ancient Egyptian ceremony; he's the mutant host that En Sabah Nur wishes to possess.

Angel is shirtless when Apocalypse tries to recruit him. Ms. Fanservice: Mugging the Monster: Caliban threatens to shoot Apocalypse with a gun. He's very lucky that Psylocke interrupted the conversation, which directs Apocalypse's attention towards her instead. My Beloved Smother: Although Xavier is wiser in the Alternate Timeline and knows that he shouldn't . His goal is to placate as much as possible the .

To borrow a theme from First Class, Charles carefully molds the emotional comfort he offers to Jean as the .