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Free Milkweed Seeds & contributions for Live Monarch Foundation- Get your milkweed seeds for the Monarch Migration. COULD WE LOSE THE MONARCH MIGRATION IN OUR LIFETIME?

YESMonarchs. need your help NOW! According to early reports of over wintering Monarchs in Mexico, this year marks the first increase in the number of over wintering Monarchs in the Mexican mountains in the last few years.. Last year there are 9. This was a back to back 5. Researchers are right to be worried we may lose a larger part of their migration this year if immediate action is not taken. A little history - In 1. Monarchs from North America froze to death.

Mexico as a result of three days of rain and sub- freezing conditions. This is when the Live Monarch Foundation was formed to ensure Monarchs would fill our skies for future generations. One person decided to take action, plant a seed and inspire others to learn how to do the same. Over the years we have grown to include thousands of individuals just like you that take action to help the Monarchs, creating refuges for them across North America and around the world. Research by many has taught us that a nationwide shortage of milkweed coupled with freak weather patterns destroy habitat and are causing problems for the Monarchs every year and we are literally losing ground. Has the weather become more or less stable in the last few years? Natural events are not the only challenges that face the Monarch and are not the main cause of their decline.

Widespread pesticide application and genetically modified crops cover important parts of the Monarch's migratory path and serve as killing fields for any Monarchs that pass through these millions of acres of toxins and biological agents that kill them and their young. They are unintended casualties in a war to protect crops.

Are our Monarchs worth our efforts to protect? Do we even know the total effects on our environment from the use of these agents? We are all part of the problem through the global effort to harness and control Nature in the search for profit. We must research the origins of all our wants and needs to ensure that the products and organizations we support are a true benefit and not a source of misery to the resources used to create them. Our choice to know the source of our purchases gives us the real power to decide what types of people we support and together control over the manner of production used. Download Aida`S Secrets (2017) Movie Now.

Please promote the sharing of information so that we can make informed choices and change the world with every one. The Monarchs need your help NOW. A Milkweed in every yard!

Plant a seed today and change your backyard. Educate yourself about the effects of your actions. Take responsibility for your actions. Plant an idea by sharing your knowledge. Educate others and ask them to take responsibility for their actions. Make the decision to think, act, and be responsible for yourself and all you impact.

Choose not to support ideas or actions that harm our environment or others. You are the most important part of any solution! SEED UPDATE 2. 01. We have a large stockpile of fresh Milkweed seeds right now and thanks to you and the continued sharing of our mission on social media we are sending out many envelopes every day. When your seeds arrive within 7- 1. Please contact us if there are any questions and please share your seeds, this page and our program with others so we can continue to get the word out.

We are already ahead of last years pace when we went through 6 million seeds in several months. Through your efforts to share information and materials with others you are the most important part of our campaign and we thank you. Every Monarch that can find a safe milkweed leaf to lay an egg on thanks you. Every caterpillar that has enough Milkweed to eat and a bit of cover from predators thanks you. Every newly emerged Monarch spreading their wings for the first time and seeing our world from above and your backyard that sheltered it, thanks you too. Thank You for every Tweet, Facebook post, email, conversation, and seed you share with your Friends and Family.

This effort is directly responsible for the growing of Millions of new HOMES and FOOD for Millions of Monarchs across North America and around the globe too. A need for seed - Northern varieties are especially hard to source as we are in Florida and can not grow our own supply. If we run out of a variety we will continue to ship the next best milkweed varieties to fill your requests. If you have extra seeds to share please contact us.

We are happy to pay for postage and your time if you have a good supply. Thank you for planting a Home for them. Think about that for a moment a two cent investment and a moment to plant a single seed can provide a lifetime of food and shelter for a Monarch Caterpillar and the starting point for a 1.

A miracle of Nature right in your back yard and your opportunity for a personal life changing experience with Nature. Please. let everyone know about this site, about how to get milkweed seed, and. Lifecycle Story of a Monarch Butterfly for FREE! Highly. recommended.

You. will learn all about the care of a Monarch from an egg to an adult butterfly. This is a very simple and FUN learning experience. Then get some small milkweed plants. Prices include S& H.

Just. use our store link below, we include free seeds and full instructions with every order. All plant orders under under $2. Use our Store Link to view and purchase other items too all sales benefit our mission. Free. Milkweed plant with every plant order placed this month!!! Would you like to give seed packs to all your friends and family?

Click here for our personalized seedpacks. We support local growers and hope you seek out native varieties. If you can not find a local suplier or resource become one. Share your knowledge, plants and seeds. You are the most important part of our Mission.

Free Speech Fans Sue Donald Trump for Blocking Them on Twitter. Suing people isn’t easy. Suing the President of the United States of America, however, is huge pain in the ass. But that hasn’t stopped a group of Twitter users from filing suit against Donald Trump. These free speech advocates were all blocked by Trump after tweeting things he didn’t like.

Now they’re claiming this violated their First Amendment rights. It might not be as crazy as it sounds. The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, which is representing the plaintiffs, claims that Donald Trump’s personal Twitter account is a public forum that the president uses on a daily basis. The institute said as much in a letter to Trump last month and threatened legal action if the president didn’t unblock his critics on Twitter. On Tuesday, the Knight Institute and seven plaintiffs took that legal action. The lawsuit reads: The @real.

Donald. Trump account is a kind of digital town hall in which the president and his aides use the tweet function to communicate news and information to the public, and members of the public use the reply function to respond to the president and his aides and exchange views with one another. Obviously, there are other ways to view Trump’s tweets, but that’s not the point. The point is the fact that the president is silencing American citizens who are simply expressing their constitutional right. It’s not like Trump is being sneaky about blocking his critics either. Here’s the tweet that got one of the plaintiffs blocked by the president: It’s hardly a surprise that Trump would want people to stop from reminding him that the FBI is investigating his campaign’s dealings with Russia during the 2.

Whether Trump is blocking these people in order to shut them up or simply as a childish attempt at retaliating against their criticism is unclear for now. It doesn’t really make a difference, though. Trump isn’t the only one who tweets from his personal account. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and White House Social Media Director Dan Scavino are also named in the suit. You’ll recognize Spicer as the clown who was hiding “among” the bushes while trying to avoid the press after Trump fired James Comey. Dan Scavino is less of a household name, but he’s the guy who broke the law with a tweet last month.

Scavino is also likely the mastermind behind that Trump tweet showing the president clotheslining a man with the CNN logo as his head. The story behind that specific tweet and its aftermath, however, is its own twisted saga. The new lawsuit’s demands are pretty simple.

The plaintiffs want Trump to unblock them and prohibit Trump from blocking anyone else who tweets things he doesn’t like. Oh, and also pay for their legal fees, which will surely be substantial since Trump has a decades’ old habit of suing people out of existence.

That said, it’s unclear how long the lawsuit will take and what Trump’s lawyers will use as a defense. One argument could include the idea that Trump’s personal account shouldn’t be treated as an official communications channel. This probably won’t work, since Trump used Twitter to announce his nomination of Christopher Wray as the new FBI director. The National Archive also instructed Trump not to delete tweets because doing so violated federal record- keeping laws, making a strong case that his personal Twitter account is considered an official channel.

Finally, Trump himself pretty much admitted that it was in a tweet last week: And so now you have another batshit crazy presidential scandal to keep up with. Divx Avi Ipod Rec 4 Poster (2015). It’s all part of a much bigger scandal, though, the one that involves a former reality TV star with a disregard for the truth and no prior political experience running our country and waging war on the media. Even if his intentions are sound and his ideas are good, the president’s unpresidential behavior is unprecedented.

So there are lawsuits, and there are investigations, and there are scandals, and there are embarrassments. And there are three- and- a- half more years before the next election. Trump via New York Times.