Ragnarok As a Standalone Movie, Not a Sequel. At the recent San Diego Comic- Con, we caught up with Taika Waititi, the dapper director of Thor: Ragnarok, to ask him a few questions about the highly- anticipated Marvel sequel—though he soon admitted that one of the first things he did was toss aside the idea that he was making a sequel at all. It makes sense, really—Ragnarok is the third movie in the Thor series, and we’re several more movies into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole. Judging from its gleefully fun latest trailer, approaching Ragnarok as if it were a standalone (or at least, as much as humanly possible, considering its many connections to other films) looks like it was exactly the right decision. And yeah, we are totally jazzed for that Thor- Hulk fight, and whatever Waititi’s got planned for the finale, too. Thor: Ragnarok is out November 3.
Celebrity News, Exclusives, Photos, and Videos. Bollywood Thriller Movies Professor Marston And The Wonder Women (2017).
Here's what's new and interesting in entertainment and the arts: Newly reopened Angels Flight has long been a popular L.A.