Sci Fi Thriller Movies Year In Champagne (2015) Average ratng: 4,2/5 6633reviews

Iran Has Pivoted to Video. The classic US stereotype of attempted Iranian ideological indoctrination via chants of “Death to America” and such has been old hat for quite some time. As noted by the New York Times on Saturday, in the past few years Iranian pro- government propaganda efforts have increasingly taken the form of rap videos glorifying the country’s military, spread on sites like local You. Tube equivalent Apparat and apps like Telegram. The Times rounded up some of the most high- profile attempts to appeal to the nation’s youth by pairing Iranian rappers with sweeping shots of military personnel and CGI- infused battle scenes, some of which are pretty over- the- top. They’re fascinating to watch, especially at a time when the current presidential administration has gone full hawk on Iran.

They’re also more than a little uncomfortable, both because they show an oppressive government’s approach to a digitized era of propaganda and, if we’re being honest, they do kind of resemble pro- military media produced in places like the US. How To Watch The Full Animal Crackers (2017) Movie. One video highlighted by the paper features Amir Tataloo, a musician with a “hard- partying, gangster- style reputation,” who extolled “our absolute right / to have an armed Persian gulf” while singing alongside naval personnel on the frigate Damavand.

A battalion of Iranian youth carrying flags retaliate by charging towards the water, conjuring up a gigantic tidal wave which sinks the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet. Download The Boss Baby (2017) Movie Score on this page. Another released in 2. Seraj Cyberspace Organization, which is affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Basij volunteer militia, shows Iranian- backed fighters in Syria taking the fight to ISIS insurgents flying the terror group’s infamous black flag. The video features Hamid Zamani, who the Times noted was the mastermind behind the anti- imperialist song “USA.”“By Zaynab, we are the defenders of Damascus!” the singer croons as a sniper takes out an ISIS fighter in slow- motion. Qassem Suleimani annihilating US troops and naval forces.“The Americans threaten us, we want to say, . One of the more obvious examples is the NFL, where flashy flyovers with high- tech military jets, troops marching with flags and even camouflage jersey sales have been a fixture for years, and the military has pumped tens of millions of dollars into patriotic displays at sports games.

Others include the close relationship between the military and the video game industry, or its tight collaboration with the movie industry. Indications are strong President Donald Trump’s administration is seeking ways to back out of the US- Iran nuclear deal, per CNBC, which would set the stage for tensions to escalate rapidly—though with stakes a good bit realer than CGI tsunamis and bullet time.

Calexit Is a Bloody, Dystopian Vision of Trump's America and the People Bold Enough To Resist It. Less than a year into his presidency, Donald Trump has repeatedly defended white supremacists and self- identified Nazis, toyed with the idea of going to war with North Korea, and stood by cluelessly as the Republican congress fought to rob millions of Americans of their healthcare. Objectively, these are dark times. When we talk about how America under Donald Trump feels dystopian, what we’re talking about is how, if left entirely unchecked and allowed to be codified, many of the Trump administration’s draconian policies and stances would transform our society into a warped, nightmarish version of itself.

Sci Fi Thriller Movies Year In Champagne (2015) Movie

Agent: Amy Tompkins. Alison Acheson’s eighth book, 19 Things: A Book Of Lists for Me, will be published in Fall 2014. Her works are for all ages, from picture books.

As a thought exercise, envisioning a world in which Trump and his supporters are able to achieve all of their goals is an important way for his political opponents to keep sight of why the protest and resist. In Matteo Pizzolo and Amancay Nahuelpan’s Calexit from Black Mask Studios, the future where Trump’s regime has reshaped the country in its own image isn’t a matter of “what if,” but rather “what now?” In this world, the darkest timeline, everything we’ve feared about Trump has come to pass and in an act of defiance, a number of key cities throughout the state of California have said: “fuck this; I’m out.”The version of America that Calexit presents us is meant to be interpreted as a realistic one quite similar to our own save for a few key differences. In this world, one of the new American president’s first orders of business after coming into office was to deport each and every single immigrant regardless of whether or not they were documented. The then governor of California, seeing the president’s executive order an an abhorrent abuse of power, declares the entire state as a place of sanctuary that will not recognize or abide by the new law.

In an ideal world, California would metaphorically pull out of the US and become a shining, self- sufficient beacon of acceptance and welcoming, shaming the rest of the US by simply doing the truly American thing. But Pizzolo keenly understands that, realistically, California seceding would be a destabilizing event within the state itself, causing factions to rise up on both sides: those in support of the US government and those opposed.

  • Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas newspaper. Includes news, sports, opinion, and local information.
  • Less than a year into his presidency, Donald Trump has repeatedly defended white supremacists and self-identified Nazis, toyed with the idea of going to war with.

As Calexit opens, the state is in a tense, bloody holding pattern illustrated helpfully by a map. Multiple major coastal cities like San Francisco and Oakland are controlled by the Pacific Coast Sister Cities Alliance, the group who refuse to comply with the president’s executive order. The Sovereign Citizens Coalition, those aligned with the US Federal Government, control a larger portion of the state, but given the way that resources like food, water, and power are created in California, they aren’t necessarily in an advantageous position. Skirmishes between the Federal Government- aligned Bunkerville Militants, and the Mulholland Resistance, Calexit’s freedom fighters, happen throughout the entire state, but as the story picks up, we zoom in on Zora Mc.

Nulty, a woman on the run from the authorities somewhere in Los Angeles, an occupied city caught between Resistance and Sovereign territories. As Zora breathlessly rushes to her parents’ home in the dead of the evening, we see that she isn’t just a regular person, but an important member of the resistance being targeted by a particular government agent. Moments after she and her father are briefly reunited, Zora’s forced to flee into the night because she knows that the man who’s after her will soon be upon her family. Right on cue, the agent and his men make their way into the Mc. Nulty family’s home and begin to do what every super villain who’s ever hunted for a hero does: menacingly threaten everyone in sight as a gross showing of power that demonstrates to us just how sinister they are.

Sci Fi Thriller Movies Year In Champagne (2015) Crossword

Though there is much about the bespectacled villain that feels very standard- issue, it’s the parallels between the things he says and the coded, racist language that’s become a hallmark of the Trump administration that makes him uniquely terrifying. Just before fatally stabbing Zora’s adoptive father, the man points out that because her adoption took place in California, a place whose laws are no longer recognized, the adoption is considered invalid, making her an immigrant. Or, rather, a refugee. Elsewhere in the city, Jamil, a well- known (and liked) drug smuggler is making the best of his life by staying neutral in the ongoing conflicts and making illegal deliveries for both sides. When we first meet Jamil, he’s in the process of bringing a National Guardsman anti- depressants that, if he were caught trying to buy legally, would likely have him fired. When Jamil rhetorically asks the guard why he posted to protect a statue of an elephant erected in downtown Hollywood, his drone assistant Livermore begins to describe the symbol’s historic relationship to Birth of a Nation creator D. W. Griffith and the Ku Klux Klan.

As the two men debate whether something like a statue can simultaneously be a callback to a film and a monument to a man who fought for white supremacy, the guardsman is shot through the head by an unseen sniper who spares Jamil. Outmatched as Calexit’s resistance may be, they’re still very much a threat to those in positions of power. Though there is an overarching plot about the disenfranchised rising up to strike back against their autocratic oppressors, Calexit is not a feel- good story and it doesn’t make any attempts at pretending that it is. It’s bloody and violent in a way that doesn’t glorify combat as so many comics do, but is frank in the reality it’s trying to present. Were the US ever to fall into another Civil War, senseless, brutal deaths would fundamentally change the ways that we moved through and conceived of the world. But the thing that makes Calexit such a difficult book to grapple with (in a good way!) isn’t really even the violence, which quickly becomes the everyday backdrop to the characters’ lives. It’s the fact that the authoritarian powers- that- be who gleefully participate in said violence are darker, but not entirely unfamiliar versions of people that we already know.

Editor’s Note: This piece has been updated to accurately describe which areas within California are controlled by which sides of the conflict.