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In Part Two I will discuss recent events, false flags, and propaganda campaigns utilized by the Deep State to push the world to the brink of war.“We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness” – Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness. The use of graphic images, electronically transmitted across the world in an instant, along with a consistent false narrative promoted by the captured corporate media, is the preferred means of appealing to the emotions of those who want to believe atrocity propaganda. Dvd Polaroid (2017) Downloads Online. Instigating a march to war through the use of unfounded fear, misinformation, staged photo ops, and appealing to passions and prejudices was as revolting to Albert Einstein  in the 1.

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He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once.

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Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love- of- country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.” – Albert Einstein. It seems the level and intensity of the propaganda campaigns has ratcheted up dramatically in the last half dozen years and appears to be reaching a crescendo as we speak.

It’s almost as if the Deep State is frantically trying to maintain the status quo, even as the worldwide financial Ponzi scheme of debt approaches the point of collapse. The domestic conditions in Europe, North America, and Asia are deteriorating rapidly. The propaganda doled out trying to convince citizens their financial situation is not worsening has failed. The people realize they have been screwed and continue to be screwed by the politicians, bankers and corporate fascists running the show. This is the major reason Trump was elected. People were desperate for someone who offered them a promise of economic revival and reduced government interference in their lives. The problem is no one is capable of saving the US Titanic.

The iceberg was struck sixteen years ago when the Deep State engineered a plundering campaign driving the national debt from $5. Unpaid for tax cuts will not save us. Unpaid for shovel ready infrastructure projects will not save us.

Threatening foreign countries with tariffs will not bring manufacturing jobs back. Excessively low interest rates will not spur investment, but it will create a pension crisis and impoverish senior citizens. Devaluing your currency when every country in the world attempts the same “solution” will not work.

Passing an Obamacare lite healthcare plan that keeps mega- corporation insurance companies and hospitals in charge solves nothing. The demographic time bomb of boomers turning 6. Providing the appearance of normalcy and improvement by artificially boosting the stock and real estate markets to all- time bubble highs only makes the coming crash that much more devastating. It is clearly evident to me the drumbeat of war is louder than it has been in decades as this Fourth Turning enters its ninth year. Every previous U. S. Fourth Turning has climaxed with a more horrific war than the previous, as the technological “advances” allow the Deep State controllers to create cannon fodder more efficiently.

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The year 2. 01. 1 seems to have been the nexus for the Deep State to create new enemies and sow the seeds of discontent and revolution around the globe. The Deep State managers had to act fast.

They needed new enemies, more wars and more QE. Was it just a coincidence Hosni Mubarak was overthrown in Egypt during 2. U. S. After the democratically elected replacement turned out to be a Muslim extremist, we fully supported the next coup which placed a military dictator in charge.

He just got a grand welcome from Trump a few weeks ago. I guess military dictators are OK when they do what we say. A dictator who had the nerve to not honor the U. S. A stable country was turned into a terrorist haven overnight. It’s now a lawless hellhole inhabited by ISIS, Al Qaeda, and various other Muslim terrorist factions. Along with the vacuum left in Iraq, Libya became a breeding ground for terrorists, armed by the U. S. Shockingly, after decades of stability, factions within Syria began a civil war against Assad and his government in 2.

Do you see a connection yet? Just as U. S. Mc. Cain and his band of neo- con world changers helped arm the “moderate rebels” fighting against the suddenly evil Assad. These moderates became ISIS, who now suddenly became the new bogeyman to be feared by Americans, as professionally produced videos of beheadings and other atrocities began to be disseminated by the mainstream media. The War on Terror had a new jolt of gusto and increased funding for more military miss- adventures. The propagandists ignored the inconvenient fact Assad was fighting against ISIS and Al Qaeda. They ignored the fact Assad ruled over a secular country – not a country run by religious American hating Muslim zealots.

Fighting against Assad and ISIS doubled the arms dealers’ profits. Then Russia threw a monkey wrench into the Deep State plans. They fully supported Assad as an ally because they need his ports. The real reason Assad was attacked was because Saudi Arabia and Qatar need to build their natural gas pipeline across Syria to reach Europe. Virtually all of Europe is dependent upon Russia to supply their natural gas. The Deep State’s retaliation for Putin’s support of Assad was to overthrow the democratically elected president of the Ukraine who had rejected NATO for a closer partnership with Russia. This dramatic increase in tensions between NATO and Russia again generated more profits for the military industrial complex.

Missiles and troops are pouring into the NATO countries surrounding Russia. The American propaganda specialists now had their new enemies. Syria and Russia, with Iran and North Korea providing occasional fear mongering diversions, became the focus of the neo- cons and their pliant media mouthpieces. The false flag downing of a Malaysian airliner over the Ukraine was blamed on Putin and Russia. No radar proof or physical evidence was ever presented implicating the Ukrainian rebels. They were winning the civil war and the U.

S./NATO needed to turn world opinion against Putin. The first attempt at a false flag gas attack in Syria occurred in 2. U. S. When this atrocity propaganda failed to work, the Deep State turned to heartstring pulling photographs of dead and injured children, with a consistent narrative spewed by every media pundit as instructed by the controllers. The first atrocity propaganda photo was in 2. The picture of a three year old Syrian boy who drowned when his boat from Turkey to Greece capsized was spread across the world on every media outlet for a week as faux outrage against Assad and Putin was ramped up to hysterical levels. The evil Assad had caused this refugee crisis, even though it was the rebels who started the war. The blame for this tragic death was solely due to his father’s recklessness.

The entire family lived in Turkey for three years and was not forced to go to Europe. The father was being funded from a relative in Canada and wanted to go to Europe for dental work. The picture was also used to promote the continued Muslim invasion of Europe.

How could Europeans turn away these nice people? George Soros’ master plan was working perfectly. A year later Aleppo boy was the latest atrocity photo used to reverse public opinion against Assad and Putin, as their military success against ISIS, Al Qaeda and the U. S. As usual, the American public swallowed the propaganda, hook, line and sinker. The picture suddenly appeared and was disseminated on every mainstream media outlet in the country for days, with pontificating pundits tearfully portraying Assad as a butcher.

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