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S v Ngwane and Another (SS2. His evidence was not disputed. His evidence was handed. EXHIBIT “1”. AND “2”. The footage. depicts the robbery and shooting of the deceased.

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An Honest Liar (2015) Video Download

Digital. surveillance footage originating from various surveillance. Shell Garage and Denver Truck, a company. Exhibit “2”. From the footage, it is clear. The first two lodged the. He shot the deceased. The shooter entered the Shell.

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Garage premises within seconds after the first. Garage. Siyabonga Ngubane. Download Poster Boys (2017) Movie. He is a relative. May. 2. 01. 3 accused 2 concealed a firearm on top of. Accused 2 told the witness that it was his own firearm which he. During July 2. 01.

Siyabonga’s. room and searched the ceiling. Siyabonga Ngubane was present when the police recovered. He further. testified that from the time accused 2 had. He was. initially arrested for the unlawful possession of the firearm. The. case was however.

Siyabonga Ngubane does not know accused. Siyabonga Ngubane identified the shooter on Exhibit “2”. He knows the way accused 2. When accused 2 brought the firearm to his. May 2. 01. 3. he was wearing the same hat (. According to him the jacket. Court was the same he had worn on the evening of 1.

May 2. 01. 3. There. Ernest Thabiso Shabalala. He testified that. May 2. 01. 3 he was at the Kwadlamini Tavern from approximately. Toshiba laptops which he.

He. arranged for a buyer for the laptops, to wit, David Msomi. He took. the laptops to Msomi who bought them for R2. Upon his return at the Tavern, he gave. Sandile R2. 00. 0.

Whilst at the Tavern he. This evidence was not contested. Shabalala further testified.

He however entered. Plea and Sentence Agreement with the State enabling the case. Gabriel Thethane. He is a petrol. attendant at the Shell Garage.

He explained that he had noted down. He. handed this information to the police. During November 2. He further testified that he did not see accused 2. He confirmed that. Sandile Khumalo and Vusi Khumalo had since passed away.

He rewrote the names of the attendees. He testified to the. The statement contains.

Constitutional Rights which Lt Col Mbotho confirms he had read and. During cross- examination by.

Lt Col Mbotho that he did not read the. No version of any assault or coercion to make a. Lt Col Mbotho. He further identified.

Sandile Khumalo on photo 5, 6, 7 and 8 of. Sandile is visible as the person. When Accused 1. disputed this evidence, Nhlapo repeated this explanation in Zulu in. Court. The correctness of the explanation given. During cross- examination. Counsel, accused 1 disputed that Nhlapo explained to him the Rights. Exhibit “O”. Such.

He testified that. Siyabonga. He testified that on 1.

May 2. 01. 3 he had warned. On 1. 5 May 2. 01. May 2. 01. 3. After the parade was held, Motloung again warned. This followed after. Motloung had. seen a person on the surveillance footage of the robbery dressed in. On 1. 7. May 2. 01. Motloung again warned accused 1 of his rights prior to the.

Four suspects. were in custody on this date. They were accused. Sandile Khumalo. Thabiso Shabalala and David Msomi. When he received the case docket. Warning Statements of Sandile.

Khumalo and accused 1. Phumlani Ngwane.) The latter’s statement was exonerating in. They were taken to the. Magistrate’s Court where the. That was also the. He went. Garage to view the surveillance footage that was recorded on 1. May. realized that the clothing, (in particular the.

May 2. 01. 3. On 1. May 2. 01. 3. Motloung went to the holding cells where he informed. May 2. 01. 3. He was not alone with accused. Subsequent to the identity parade, Motloung saw accused 1 in an. He informed accused 1 of the footage he had viewed in. He explained that accused 1 was shocked when he.

The accused then. Motloung that. there is something he wanted to show the witness.

He further wanted. Motloung. He did this as he was not a commissioned. He explained to Lt Col Mbotho what. Lt Col Mbotho arranged for an. W/O Raletsemo was present during. In this regard he explained that Raletsemo had.

Motloung. incapacitated to continue with his work. That occurred at the end of. July 2. 01. 3. He does not know to whom the case docket. July 2. 01. 3. He further denied the. To this Motloung answered. In respect of the alleged assault it was.

Motloung that Raletsemo referred to Motloung as Zack. They put. the bag over the accused’s. Motloung said he wanted the accused to talk as he, the. He was told to. stamp his foot three times on the floor when he was ready to talk. This instruction.

He did stamp. his foot on the floor a few times. When the bag was then removed the. Motloung and Raletsemo that he knows. The bag. was then again placed over his head. Water was then splashed on.

Motloung then. told the accused that he will take the accused to the Garage where. The accused. that he does not know the scene and or the crimes.

After the. water was thrown over the accused, Raletsemo left the office. Another. thin man came into the office. Motloung talked to.

Motloung told. the accused that Sandile had said that the accused had done it. Motloung also told.

Motloung will help the accused to get bail or drop the case against. When the accused heard this he. Motloung, the accused and. At the Garage. the three of them were standing on the steps of the bridge opposite. Garage. From there Motloung pointed out certain. Back at the. police cells, Motloung brought him food and said that is what he.

When Col Nazo. took him for the pointing out on 1. May 2. 01. 3, the accused did not say. He made the pointing out as a result of the assault. On 1. 7. May 2. 01. W/O Motloung booked accused 1 from.

He did this in order to establish if the. He. further explained to the. Court. This followed after it was put to the. May 2. 01. 3 he had booked accused 1 out from the cells and took him. There Motloung would have explained to him.

He later received the. He confirmed that.

Sandile Khumalo did not make any pointing out. On 1. 8. May 2. 01. SAP 1. 3. testified that the accused did not complain to him about.

He did not see any visible. Accused two did not complain. From the said. Exhibit “P”, it is noted that Col Nazo did explained and. Constitutional Rights. He confirmed that.

May 2. 01. 3, there were no visible. The accused said to Nazo. Photographs (Exhibit. R”), taken prior to and after the pointing.

Nazo testified that same were explained. Prior to. this date he had nothing to do with the case. During. cross- examination it was put to Raletsemo that after the arrest of. May 2. 01. 3. one incident when he and Motloung conducted an interview with the. Motloung. During this interview.

Raletsemo and Motloung as they wanted him to tell. Raletsemo wanted the accused. The accused denied any knowledge of the offences.

He testified that from 1. May 2. 01. 3, he was at the.

Palm Ridge Court where one of the cases he. This enrollment was indeed confirmed. Registrar’s file.

Sandile Khumalo. Sbu and Vusi were. The names of Sbu and Vusi were never put to Cst Nhlapo.

However, when Nhlapo was cross- examined, it was put to him that. It is your car downstairs”. This version was not.

The accused. testified that he and Sandile were kept in different police vehicles. This version. was never put to. Nhlapo. Therefore all lied except the. This version, so it is averred.

Motloung. would then have pointed to him. Motloung said that the shooters. Ngubane. He also showed the accused where the white man. Motloung further. He further told the accused that one Sibiya. The accused did. not confirm his initial version that was put to Motloung that after.

Garage Motloung had brought. The accused. testified that prior to the actual pointing out he was taken to.

Motloung’s office where Motloung had told him. The accused agreed as he was afraid of a.

He did. the pointing out because Motloung had told him to do so. PHASE. FOR JUDGMENT ON THE TRIAL WITHIN A TRIAL. The. dispute arose due to. May 2. 01. 3. The said statements do not unequivocally. The basis for the.

Concerning. this issue, Schutz, J ruled that evidence already gathered in the. The accused was legally represented by an attorney. Ramos. No complaints of.

About The Official Sallie House Website. The Sallie House haunting has been in a class by itself simply by the conditions that seem to exist. There have been, full- bodied apparitions, and objects flying through the air. Items have moved been misplaced or lost only to reappear or show up later or at another location.

Phantom furniture has been heard along with thumps, thuds, knocks, scratching in the walls and the sound of animals and human voices. Although some voices have been heard with the naked ear, there has been an amazing amount of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) captured further depicting the voices of men, women and children. Many have experienced extreme smells and on occasion seen full- bodied apparitions. Lastly, and likely most famously, there has been physical harm to the occupants and investigators in the form of scratches, burns and cuts. Although the majority of these attacks have often been centered on Tony himself, there have been a few others who have also been the focus of the physical harassment.

Investigations into this house continue, but was initially investigated by the television show Sightingsback when Tony and Debra Pickman lived there with their newborn son. Numerous psychics have entered the picture in order to help us along the way and they include Barbara Conner and world renowned, Peter James who has worked on the haunting of the Queen Mary for many years. Paramount Pictures created a made- for- TV movie titled the. Heartland Ghost, which depicted the story of Sallie and the Pickmans experiences. The Pickman’s experiences have been document on television since 1. TV series such as the Travel channel’s, Most haunted Town,  KQ2 news out of St.

Joseph, Mo, Unexplained Mysteries, and Channel 4 news out of Kansas City, KS, have all been involved in documenting this story since 1. This time with the Ghost Adventurers. Some believe that what exists in the house is evil, some believe that the entities within the house are reaching out and in need of our help, some believe that Tony is doing it all himself (which doesn’t seem like a viable assessment when the activity continues without his presence). Some believe there is much more going on there than we can imagine, and yet others think its all been a hoax. A multitude of monitoring equipment has been utilized to help determine what is causing the strange occurrences in this small little house on the bluffs of the Missouri River.

The equipment includes, but is in no way limited to digital and analog voice recorders, infrared and heat sensitive video cameras; electromagnetic meters etc . Many investigative groups have used dousing rods, crystals and pendulums, and some have tried to set up controlled ESP situations to experiment with more possibilities. Since the activity seems to be so constant, some groups, very dedicated to learning more about the paranormal, have used the house as an experimental laboratory and have obtained some remarkable evidence not only expanding on the history of the house but also furthering the study of paranormal. What started out as the simple haunting, of one little girl named Sallie, has seemingly developed into a growing list of more than just that. Some think that over the years more entities have come to resided with the walls of this houses. Do they just visit, do they call the place home or has it become a doorway to the other side where the spirits we encounter move on after their visit? The commonality, of all the investigations and the investigators involved or associated with this house, is that we are all curious about the who, what, and why of the house and its occupants.

Who is there, when did they live, what do they want, why have they stayed behind, is there something they need to share with us, and what would that be? How is it that spirits or ghosts are able to move objects, show us their likenesses, and speak to us?

These are just some of the questions that come to mind and in which we all seek answers to. Most of the human race has an innate human curiosity about events they cannot explain. The scientific and logical principles we currently employee have not yet been able to explain many of the nuance’s attached to hauntings, and paranormal investigators have an overwhelming desire to do just that. We study them to understand these events. Each investigation gets us closer to the truth and its in the sharing evidence and theories of all those who are interested or involved, that we learn more about this and other hauntings. For the reasons stated above, this site was Co- Founded by five individuals: Tony and Debra Pickman, Renae Leiker, and Jennifer and Jerry Talbert of The Kansas Paranormal Group.

Tony and Debra Pickman are currently  the only active founders. We have always take pride in knowing that this website will provide the best resource on the world wide web for factual representation of the events, activities and experiences that this haunting, known by many as The Sallie House, has provided. It is also why we ask for your help and your input so that we can continue to provide current information. The website is currently going through a reorganization, but rest assured that all information will continue to be as relevant to the Sallie House as you have grown accustomed to. We are just changing the format.

The site will now be searchable which will be very helpful if you are looking for something in particular. You will also find photos, and an EVP gallery as well as recordings of many Radio Interviews  that Tony and I have done over the years. We hope to bring you interesting and informative articles that will fund your mind with new ideas and theories about this case, and for those who work in the paranormal field, allow additional insights to working your own cases.

We want you to enjoy your time here and have firsthand knowledge and an ability to contribute to the ongoing research of the  Sallie House. We hope you will join us in our collective efforts to continuously work to provide the most factual and authoritative information on this haunting. Learn about the Co- Founders. Divx Movies Download Minions (2015).